By Kat Geiger
Ulysses Press, $14.95, 108 pages
It never fails that when we enter a store my older daughter always starts gawking at overpriced terrariums and begs, “Please Mom, can we buy it?” Well, with Terrariums Reimagined I believe my problems have been solved – I will make one myself! Kat Geiger has been making terrariums since 2001 and has compiled great ideas in this book. Her book is logically organized by ingredients, tillandsia, desert and tropical terrariums, children’s and out of the ordinary terrariums and finally, maintaining your terrarium. Geiger focuses on using unique, recycled containers, which really give a terrarium personality. Terrariums are great options when space is limited – maintenance is low and cool factor is really high.
“The one major element that makes a terrarium stand out from the average Joe (or Jane) houseplant is the vessel in which it is housed.”
Each chapter begins with planning basics for the ecosystem chosen and then every project gives a list of ingredients needed, an introductory paragraph of information and ideas for sourcing the terrarium vessel. The pages are loaded with full color photos outlining the steps and showcasing the final product. This is a fun book that provides ideas to implement to make some cool little gardens. Follow the directions and then wait for your friends to scream, “Hey, how did you do that? It is so cool!”
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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