Wonder Light Unicorns of the Mist5stars



A Magical, Mystical Adventure

By R.R. Russell

Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, $15.99, 213 pages

Twig is used to feeling worthless and invisible. When she is sent to Washington’s mysterious Lonehorn Island, a pony ranch for “troubled” girls, Twig soon discovers that the island holds many secrets. She hears strange howling in the night and sees a ghostly boy and his horse whenever the fog rolls in. As the other girls work with their regular horses, Twig witnesses the magical birth of a baby unicorn. But something is out there in the mist hunting the new unicorn. Twig realizes that the fragile creature needs her love and attention in order to survive and she needs its love and attention just as much.

R.R. Russell, a Pacific Northwest resident and author of Wonder Light: Unicorns of the Mist, writes a touching adventure story about a young girl finding courage, strength and hope. Young adult readers and their parents will appreciate Russell’s message that sometimes it just takes one person (or animal) to believe in you to make all the difference. There is a minor religious message about forgiveness near the end of the story but it isn’t intrusive. Readers should be aware that there are several descriptive battle scenes between fighting unicorns. Readers will enjoy the ending of Wonder Light. It could be a stand-along book, but there are definitely plot points left open that would make for great sequels!

Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin

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