Cash OutA Side-Splitting Adventure Novel with Larger Than Life Characters


By Greg Bardsley
Harper Perennial, $14.99, 376 pages

Dan Jordan is set to have it all – an early retirement spent sipping mojitos from his beach house on the California coast with his gorgeous wife, two kids and $1.1 million. An over-worked speechwriter for a successful high tech start-up, Dan has three days before his stock vests and he can say good-bye to his soul-sucking job and hello to the life of his dreams. Until, that is, he gets abducted by an angry crew of laid off employees with a plot for revenge. Over the course of the next 48 hours, Dan scrambles to save his job, his marriage and his stocks while trying desperately to stay alive and employed in the face of a series of outlandish capers.

“Standing bowlegged in front of the frozen-food doors, I’m thinking about everything but peas. I’m thinking about covering my ass, about calling the cops, about getting a lawyer, about contacting my boss, about notifying FlowBid’s corporate security. I’m thinking about trying to stop this thing before it gets out of hand. Only problem is, if I call any one of those people, my career will be over, and my family will loose all the money- all that future I’ve been working toward the past two years….”

Cash Out is a brutal, hilarious novel that will have you wincing and laughing out loud from page one. The vivid, even nutty characters Bardsley creates are believable despite their outright wackiness. Deranged neighbors, cage fighters and bikini clad undergrads chase after Dan Jordan as he fights for survival and it’s impossible not to feel caught up in the high stakes chase. This is a fast moving page turner with zany plot twists that you won’t want to put down.

Reviewed by Kristin Leigh

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