By Anne Marie Pace, Illustrated by LeUyen Pham
Disney Hyperion, $16.99, 32 pages
Last year’s publication of Anne Marie Pace’s book Vampirina Ballerina received positive feedback. This year she adds a second book to the series with Vampirina Ballerina Hosts a Sleepover. Unfortunately, this reviewer never read the first book and thus was initially confused as to how the word “ballerina” in the title had anything to do with the plot— aside from perhaps being part of the main character’s name. However, in the middle of the book there is a great fold-out page that depicts all the friends and family members of Vampirina dancing about, but it is not ballet.
This book reads as a “how to” book for children who are interested in hosting their own sleepover. It includes suggestions like how to make homemade cards and what order to do things at the slumber party. Vampirina, a little vampire girl, is having her very own sleepover. She gives good advice. For example, if you are inviting a new friend, it might be a good idea if your parents meet your new friend’s parents so everyone feels comfortable.
The pages of the book would be easier to turn if they weren’t so thick. Vampirina Ballerina is a great book for young children eager to host a sleepover.
Reviewed by Andrea Franke
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