Story of Intriguing People Involved in Difficult Situations Created By the Onset of World War II
By Joanne Dobson & Beverle Graves Myers
Poisoned Pen Press, 250 pages, $14.95
In 1941 Louise Hunter, a young nurse, leaves her native Kentucky to follow her fiancé to brash and bustling New York City. When the relationship ends, she finds herself living in a boarding house with a quirky bunch of New Yorkers. A murder at an art gallery causes Louise and her friends to become involved in a tangled mystery. This novel follows the adventures and follies of the fascinating group of boarders, even as their country is drawn into the World War.
Joanne Dobson, the author, was an English Professor at Fordham University for many years and also taught at Amherst College and Tufts University. Joanne switched to mystery writing mid-life. The author of the Professor Karen Pelletier academic mystery series, Joanne earned an Agatha nomination for her book, Quieter than Sleep. She lives in the New York city area with her husband.
Beverle Graves Myers, the co-author, practiced psychiatry at a public mental health clinic before making a mid-life career switch to writing. In addition to the New York in Wartime series, her work includes the Tito Amato Mysteries set in 18th century Venice, and numerous short stories. She and her husband live in Louisville, Kentucky.
Seldom is one lucky enough to find a book that is so enjoyable the reader regrets arriving at the last page. This reviewer is looking forward to more from these authors, who have created a cast of entertaining characters and a plot that offers constant surprises.
Reviewed by Fran Byram
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