By Nancy Thayer
Ballantine Books, $26.00, 320 pages
Nancy Thayer has created characters that you will instantly like (and hate) in her book, Island Girls. Rory Randall’s three daughters (all from different marriages) read the will with disbelief that they will be forced to live together in their Nantucket summer home. This odd request is a stipulation for them to inherit the house at the end of the summer. Arden, Meg and Jenny distrust each other and jealously reign in the household too. They each have difficulty trusting men, given their father was such a “ladies man”. Arden is trying to resurrect her career as she feels a younger woman will replace her at the station. Jenny has a love/hate relationship with a competitor on the island and Meg is writing a challenging book and is determined to keep a work relationship professional. As the women are forced to live together and reminisce of their childhood in the Nantucket house they discover other details they had forgotten, as well as, learn new things about themselves and each other.
Thayer’s story is not complex or complicated, which makes it the perfect summer read. This reviewer was enraptured by the twists and turns of career and love connections. Island Girls will make the reader want to visit Nantucket to create their own summer adventure.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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