By Clare Davidson
Amazon Digital Services, Inc., $2.99, 216 pages
Disoriented upon waking up in the hospital, Kim is stricken with grief when she finds out Charley, her older sister, has committed suicide. Kim was supposedly the one who discovered her sister; however, a mysterious gap in her memory keeps her from remembering what happened. What she is sure of, though, is that Charley would not have committed suicide – she was way too happy and popular. Something is seriously wrong about the whole situation and Kim is determined to find out what it is. When a mysterious boy shows up at Charley’s funeral, the high school, the local nightclub, and other strange things begin to happen, she wonders if she’s losing her mind, or if perhaps the supernatural world really does exist.
Full of mystery, emotion, suspense, and magic, Reaper’s Rhythm is an enjoyable young adult novel by Clare Davidson that might change your perspective about the world beyond ours and the unseen forces that perhaps affect us more than we know. The author does a great job portraying the torment of dealing with a loved one’s untimely death, not only in the main character’s thoughts and actions, but also in the reactions of the family, friends and acquaintances. Well-written and interesting, this novel will draw you in and get you looking forward to the next one in the series.
Reviewed by Aimee Rasmussen
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