snippetThe Early Bird Catches The Snail




By Bethanie Deeney Murguia
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 32 pages, $15.99

Snippet, the youngest snail in his family, likes to wake up early.  He is bored without his family to play with, until he finds other early-riser friends to keep him entertained. Together, the friends and Snippet gently wake up his family with breakfast in bed. The family plays together all day until they notice Snippet has fallen asleep.

Snippet the Early Riser by Bethanie Deeney Murguia is fun to read with children who quickly understand that some like to sleep in while others like to start their day early. For added enjoyment, the book includes trivia about snails.

Short sentences, basic vocabulary and bright pictures make this book ideal for readers between the age of two and five.

Reviewed by Sophie Sestero

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