Don’t Bore Yourself With Other Art Books!
By Gallery 1988Titan Books, $34.95, 175 pages
Crazy 4 Cult: Movie Art 2, Gallery 1988 is a diverse array of art inspired by cult movies from the 1940s to today. The book is collection from Gallery 1988, an art gallery in Los Angeles that has become famous for its pop art interpretations of films that burrow deep into our minds and hearts through portrayals of underdogs, the dark side of humanity, and humor. From screen prints of Easy Rider to an oddly evocative pencil portrait of a Wizard of Oz flying monkey, this book elicits laughter, quixotical smiles, and pure delight. A different artist often does the colorful art on each page; even if pertains to art inspired by the same film. This has the effect of keeping things interesting and fast paced, although readers might find themselves struggling over turning the page to see what’s next versus lingering on an intricate Giclee print inspired by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
“Art is usually pretty boring. Ok, maybe it’s not boring. Alienating might be more accurate. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, Starry Night is nice.”
The pleasure of this book is the sheer creativity involved. The artists have captured pivotal moments in movie, and captured all of the spirit, excitement, and thrill. From the Texas Chainsaw Massacre to Little Shop of Horrors, The Princess Bride to Back to the Future, readers will love seeing their favorite cult movies re-envisioned as a still immortalized as an oil painting on wood or digital print. The wonderful thing about this book is variety – there is the unifying theme of cult movie art, and therein ends the common thread.
Reviewed by Giovanna Marcus
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