By Patricia Brooks
Balboa Press, $11.99, 112 pages
There is no doubt that Patricia Brooks’ memoir God is in the Little Things: Messages From the Animals is a labor of love for the author. On her journey to self-discovery and healing she shares that God can and does speak to us in a most unusual way, through the presence or fleeting presence of His animals. She comes to understand how animals, serving as ‘totems’ or spiritual beings, bring messages to us through the unique symbolism they bear. “The number of animals that visit you, the direction that they come from, and the landscape they are in, are also very symbolic and yield much information.” Through a series of encounters (“not chance occurrences”, she says) with animals (bats, mice, deer, seagulls, and even a fat toad she found gazing at her from right above her bed) she begins to reclaim her life broken by uncertainty and self-doubt. She makes it clear, however, that were it not for her love of animals (her strong attachment to her beloved cat Misty, for instance) she doubts God would have chosen this path to her spiritual enlightenment. It was through her open mind (seeking answers through various metaphysical studies) and not without the help of Misty, whose spirit led her to the book on animal totems in the first place, that her soul made the connection with God and allowed her healing to begin. Her walk led her down a path to finding peace, self-love, and a greater understanding of the world around her. Now who among us wouldn’t want that? As the ending, and the title, to her book proclaims, “seek and ye shall find, for God is in the little things.”
Reviewed by Kathleen Godwin
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