Convincing Book to Start Your Yoga
By Sean Conley & Karen Conley
Westwood Books, $19.95, 145 pages
If you are just thinking about starting your yoga practice, whether in a class or on your own, this inspirational book will likely to be the motivation you need and convince you. Sean and Karen Conley, authors of Amazing Yoga, have written a beautifully assembled book to convince you that yoga, practiced for over five-thousand years, should be part of your lifestyle, no matter what you do. The first few pages are the authors’ individual stories on how and why each found yoga. Much of the book is text, pages written by either Sean or Karen, on the many aspects of practicing yoga and its numerous benefits.
“Yoga can make you feel amazing! Add yoga to your life and soon your attitude and outlook will change.”
The writing style is light and easy to read, and the pages are filled with parable, proverbs, short appropriate stories, quotes and what yoga students have to say about their practice. The text fills the vertical two-third of each page and the remaining blank third along the margins is reserved for quotes. The authors put the book together skillfully and with good logistics. Near the end of the book Karen, through thirty-four pages, demonstrates many yoga poses with good, clear photographs, explaining the benefits of each pose, and tips to help you.
Reviewed by George Erdosh
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