SallySimonSimmonsSuperFrustratingDayLearn About Frustration With the Help of a Fun Book


By Samantha Kurtzman-Counter & Abbie Schiller
Ruby’s Studio, $12.95, 30 pages

It is double-decker sandwich day at school and star student Sally Simon Simmons is going to build a mile-high, super tall sandwich! But she can’t make it stay up and it keeps toppling over. Sally’s teacher sees how upset she is and he encourages her not to quit, to keep practicing, to breathe and take it slow. Will Sally Simon Simmons be able to set her frustration aside and build the tallest sandwich in the world?

Frustration is an emotion that every child experiences. Learning how to deal with it doesn’t come naturally. Kids must be taught how to properly cope with feelings of frustration. A parent, teacher or counselor can help a child better understand that when things doesn’t go their way, it is completely alright to feel upset. Sally Simon Simmons’ Super Frustrating Day is a great book to use to help young readers develop a basic understanding of their feelings. Just as Sally does, kids can learn to “breathe and take it slow” during frustrating experiences. Rhyming words and fun, bright illustrations make this book a kid-friendly resource that adults can utilize to help the children in their lives build resilience and strength of character. And while you and your little one are reading, why not try to make the world’s tallest sandwich together?

Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin

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