Help Your Student with School Struggles
By Wendy L. Moss, PhD & Robin A. DeLuca-Acconi, LCSW
Magination Press, $14.95, 128 pages
Every year when your child goes back to school, do they hope things will be different? They’ll never forgot their homework, they’ll get an A on each assignment, they’ll always remember to study before each big test and they’ll never get nervous speaking in front of the class. But what usually happens as the weeks of the school year go by? Do they get stressed out and fall into the same routine and bad habits? If so, they need to check out School Made Easier, a book written for kids just like them who could use a bit of guidance and help learning how to reduce anxiety, increase confidence in school and study more effectively. The book’s author, Wendy L. Moss, Ph.D, and Robin A. DeLuca-Acconi, LCSW, are specifically trained to help children become confident students. Geared towards kids’ ages 8-13, the book’s style is upbeat and cool – eye-popping colors and doodle-type charts and text bubbles line the margins of each page. Managing school stress and academic pressure is difficult for a child to do alone. With this book and your presence, you are on your way to helping them become a better student and a better person.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin