[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Thames & Hudson
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
This reviewer wishes she had known who Derek Jarman was prior to reading this book as it might have lent to a deeper emotional bond. However, this book absolutely calls out to be picked up and read. From its cherry red binding to whimsical cover, not knowing what was within these pages might drive you mad. The immediate sense of wonder of creativity filled this reviewer’s mind, as the first page was a plethora of journals that Jarman himself had created. Each journal entry was reminiscent of a time long gone and providing a peak into his world as both a writer and an artist. Page after page is filled with these tantalizing pieces of art Jarman so fervently pieced together throughout his life.
“Part talisman, part private confessional, wholly unmediated raw dreamscape, reliable invisible friend and booster jet.”
You can tell it was almost an obsession for him as each one is methodically put together with so much emotion and this reviewer felt as if she were delving through some of DaVinci’s art books that he too meticulously maintained. This reviewer was actually saddened to have reached the end of this book, feeling as if she had lost a true life-long friend. If you are ready to be whisked away into another world, then you will definitely want to look into picking up this book.
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