[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Random House Children’s Books
Formats: Paperback
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Anyone familiar with Junie B. already knows her enchanting humor and Junie B. My Valentine will make your young reader laugh and giggle even more. This book has multiple purposes. It explains what Valentines are for with a page for each letter of the word Valentine. Of course, in true Junie B. style the explanations are cheeky and handwritten. It also has stickers and 30 Valentine cards that your child can pass out to their Valentines. The Valentine cards are not your run-of-the-mill kind either, but infused with color, humor and unique messages. For example, one Valentine card states, “I like you more than a cheese sandwich! And that is saying something!” The cards are perforated and leave ample room for your child to write their name and the recipient’s name. There is also a section in the book, where your child can tape some of their favorite Valentines that they receive so in ends up being a keepsake book, also. This little book is unique, amusing and quite useful.
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