[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
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David Biedrzycki, children’s book illustrator for the past thirty-some years, has authored a follow up book to his Me and My Dragon, released in 2011, called Me and My Dragon Scared of Halloween. In this book, which is perfectly acceptable as a stand-alone treasure, a boy has a pet dragon that is afraid of Halloween. Through dressing up in widely varied costumes and participating in the good-natured fun of the holiday, the boy teaches his dragon that Halloween is not frightening at all. In classic dragon lore fashion, his pet even gets to guard the candy. The antics of the boy and his dragon are rendered in such a way that the characters almost seem to be in motion as they come alive on the page. Laugh out loud silly, Scared of Halloween will help children new to Halloween see the fun beyond the scary costumes.
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