[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Little Bigfoot
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
John Skewes’ popular children’s book series Larry Gets Lost in… (coauthored with Michael Mullin) offer preschool and young elementary-age kids the opportunity to learn all about big cities. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the books covering curious dog Larry’s adventures through Portland and Seattle as he tries to reunite with young Pete and his parents are very popular. Now, Skewes offers an alphabet adventure through Portland geared toward preschoolers. In Portland ABC: A Larry Gets Lost book, Larry and Pete explore the City of Roses beginning with the letter A, for Art Museum, all the way through Z, for Zoo. In between these two familiar destinations for families, our explorers discover food carts and doughnuts, statues and sculptures, bridges and rivers, and books and things to do outside. Many of the things kids love about living in Portland are right there on the page, making this a very special little book for any young – or old, really! – Portlander. Seriously, who living in Portland wouldn’t want a beautifully illustrated book with the elephant statue in the North Park Blocks near Powell’s City of Books (that’s P) representing the letter E?
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