[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Paraclete Press
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
I’m not a Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy reading religious history and texts and the various insights the writers place into their works. The Twible is no exception. Written by a woman who is a Christian who realized she had never completely read the Bible herself, decided to rewrite it using the 140-character limit within Twitter and adding a splash of humor. Okay, it is more than a splash, more like a pouring. She pokes fun at all of the incest, murder, wrong doings, and motives of just about every character in each book of the Bible, but all in good faith as no matter what angle you come at this book from, she is actually right. She just makes reading the Bible much easier and way more amusing.
“Isaac, like Brad Pitt, appears to have facial recognition challenges.”
Filled with animated drawings, cute chapter icons, and added background information that is quite useful as you move through the book, it is easy to see why this book totally sucked several hours out of my schedule leaving all priorities at the time on the backburner. This is definitely the best way to write any material and I look forward to author Jana Riess’s next Twitter fueled adventure!
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