RulesforBecomingALegendNew Meaning for “The Wall”


By Timothy S. Lane
Viking, $26.95, 336 pages

The book begins in the perspective of Columbia City basketball star, Jimmy Kirkus, son of Columbia City basketball legend but eventual failure, Todd “Freight Train” Kirkus. Jimmy, also called “Our kid”, commits the infamous act that will be known throughout Columbia City as “The Wall”; he turns off every light in the empty gym where he was practicing and intentionally sprints into a brick wall time after time to make himself fearless on the court. The story then dives into different perspectives during the various, and quite serious, issues Jimmy faces in his young life. Intertwined within all the stories are current events of Jimmy in the moments and days after “The Wall.” It all paints a picture of Jimmy’s rough background and in the last chapter, it connects the beginning of the story to the moments directly before. Though it is a rather unique method, it is very hard to understand until you have every single detail filling in the missing pieces, which happens almost midway through the book. Overall, this story is very inspiring, interesting, touching and fun to read.

Reviewed by Joshua Levy

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