By Brian Tracy
Amacom, $9.95, 112 pages
Time management on the job can be difficult; there are distractions, emergencies, meetings with your clients and with your peers. Each of these can take away your ability to do your job effectively. Brian Tracy is a well-known speaker who travels around the world consulting with many companies on how to make the employees become more productive. In this slim volume we learn about the different time management techniques Tracy teaches, so that we too can become more productive workers and not be distracted all the time. Time Management is an easy read, and like every other business book there is no need to read it cover to cover. You can select specific chapters that you feel are relevant without missing any context. Since this book is geared toward people looking to manage their time effectively, nothing is overly complicated and the writing is simple. This book is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their time management skills.
Reviewed by Kevin Winter
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