A Charming Tale of Faithful Friends
By Lisa Schroeder
Scholastic, $5.99, 192 pages
Caitlin would rather stay at summer camp with her new best friends, but like everything good that comes to end she must return home and face the facts: she’s starting sixth grade at a new school where no one knows her and her home life is less than comfortable as her parents pinch pennies.
In Charmed Life #1: Caitlin’s Lucky Charm, the only thing Caitlin seems to have in her favor is memories of summer camp with Hannah, Mia, and Libby and their special bond over a lucky bracelet. Reminiscent of The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants series, Caitlin and friends agree to take turns sharing the good-luck accessory with the hope it will connect them while they’re miles apart and turn around any bad luck that comes their way.
“It didn’t seem like much, really – one lonely bracelet on a plastic jewelry holder with a few sad charms laying in a dish next to it…. But there was something about this bracelet that made Caitlin want to try it on.”
This charming story with down-to-earth girls includes diary entries, exchanged letters, a hint of magic, and strong underlying themes of hope, faith, and endurance as they keep their friendship strong no matter how far apart they are after camp.
Reviewed by Lori A. May
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