Graphic novels intertwined with a written story are still rare. Each page of In the Shadows is printed in heavy high-gloss, full-color paper, making this a physically weighty read. The artwork is on the darker side and verges on the edge of steampunk. You might find the story to be a much slower read because of it, as your eyes spend considerable time scanning every page and taking in all of the detail.

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The two stories that merge together in this book move quickly. They are riddled with action and mystique and feature an array of characters, each bringing their own purpose and impending fates into the mix as the world teeters on the brink of existence. The astonishing world-building molds all five characters as it jumps between written story and graphic arts filled with love against evil, the power of friendship, and the burning desire to seek revenge.

“…surely something else can be arranged. There are all sorts of boys for the taking, anywhere you look in this city.”

This is one of those books you will either love or hate, and if you haven’t gotten into graphic novels yet, this is the perfect book with which to get started. This book is definitely recommended.

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