People love collecting weird facts – it reminds them they are normal in a world filled with oddities. Random Obsessions: Trivia You Can’t Live Without is filled with just such a collection, broken down into eight categories. Covering a wide array of topics from magical shoes in World of Warcraft to reminding readers that Abe Lincoln wasn’t as progressive as textbooks might have you believe, this collection is far from trivial as author Nick Belardes includes substantial background information for many of the topics covered. The only real issue that could be found with this book is that Belardes neglects citations or an index, but if the book is taken lightly and only for pleasure this won’t even matter.
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“California has several hundred languages, but most of them are endangered.”
This is a fun book easily enjoyed by even the younger crowd, as it doesn’t contain anything with an age limit. As a thicker fact book, readers will be able to actually sit down and enjoy this book without that dreaded feeling you’re running out of new material. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun way to learn.
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