You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
By Michael K. Kellogg
Prometheus Books, $28.95, 335 pages
Following up his work, The Greek Search for Wisdom, Michael Kellogg has waded into the depths of the ancients and surfaced with his book, The Roman Search for Wisdom to once again provide readers with a philosophical approach to the wonders of the ancient world. This book provides its own recognition of ancient Rome as more than just a leach off the back of the Greeks. Through the literature of some of Rome’s finest historians, philosophers, orators and poets, Kellogg utilizes their works to place Rome high on a pedestal displaying all of their greatest attributes and accolades that even they themselves overshadowed with the inferiority of the likes of Greece.
“After Augustus, the royal bloodlines became almost comically complicated, and were further compounded by adoption, murder, incest, and usurpation.”
Whether you are a new reader of the classics, or have a vested interest in the ancient and classical world, you will walk away from this book with a new reading list and a deeper understanding of a world still reflected in our modern society. You will learn to see Rome as more than an empire thirsting for constant warfare with a poor leadership track record. This is a book you will definitely want to pick up!
Reviewed by Kim Heimbuch
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