Sophie and Agatha are very much opposites. Sophie just knows she is fit to be a queen; she’s pretty, loves fancy things and worries about her looks. Agatha, who is not pretty and doesn’t like dresses or being fussed over, is everything that Sophie is not. When they end up at the School for Good and Evil, they know something has gone wrong when Sophie is sent to the School for Evil and Agatha finds herself living at the School for Good, and neither can get to where they think is the right school for them. These schools train kids to be fairytale characters; good ones and evil ones. What they start learning about themselves as the story goes on is not to judge a book by its cover.

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“This is the School of Good, isn’t it? The legendary school for beautiful and worthy girls destined to be princesses?”

This book is written from both girls’ perspectives, so you get to see the world the way they both see it. It moves along pretty fast and there are so many other interesting characters you definitely know there will be more books after this one. If you are looking for something new to read that will be totally different from other books, then this book is definitely worth checking out.

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