Dinosaurs and People Who study Dinosaurs
By Steve Brusatte
HarperFestival, $12.99, 96 pages
Did you know there were polar dinosaurs? By far the best book in the Walking with Dinosaurs: The 3D Movie books, this encyclopedia is a half inch thick, full color and packed with loads of information. If you have seen the movie, you will see all of the dinosaurs and creatures that Patchi and Juniper encounter in the movie and learn about them. The book also talks about the different time periods, paleontology, how scientists study dinosaurs, how the earth has changed and introduces you to many different people who study dinosaurs for a living. Some even helped out with making the movie.
“Their fossils have been found on all continents, even Antarctica.”
Some of the pictures in this book might be a little scary for little kids as they were taken from the movie, but if they just read the information instead of looking at the picture, they will get a better idea about that particular dinosaur. There are no guides to help you pronounce the names of the dinosaurs in this book, so that can be rough. If you love science and dinosaurs, you will love this book!
Reviewed by Avery Heimbuch
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