Book three of the Seven Wonders series sees the same nonstop, fast-paced story as the previous two books. You will find it hard to put this book down once you start reading. Back again are Jack, Cass and Aly, and they are searching for the third loculi. They have to find all of them or their kind will no longer exist. Traveling to Halicarnassus, they have to fight against their enemies, the Massa. To make matters worse, they find out someone who was believed long dead is alive and well among the Massa. Tomb of Shadows also features a lot of action and adventure involving zombies and spirits.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: HarperCollins
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audiobook, Audible
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Readers will be able to relate to these characters; they learn a lot from each other while having to make some hard choices. The end will leave you a little bummed, but hopefully that just leads to an awesome fourth book, filled with more action and adventures! Definitely read this book, but start with the first book in this series, as you will get a better story than just starting with book three.
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