[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
This trade paperback cookbook on Japanese cooking is a must for anyone who enjoys Japanese foods and their cooking. A Cook’s Journey to Japan is a cookbook and a travel book. Author Sarah Marx Feldner traveled throughout Japan in search of authentic recipes and successfully translated them into American home kitchens. The author gives good descriptions of the many Japanese cooking ingredients in her introduction. Presenting some hundred recipes, she covers everything from basics to snacks to desserts. The recipes are nicely laid out and well-written with clear instructions – they are not easy recipes but not difficult either, and the average home cook should have no trouble reproducing most. Often you need to prepare additional recipes referred to by page numbers before you can start on a recipe. The ingredients are easy to find if there’s an Asian market available to you, and Feldner gives alternatives to any hard-to-find items.
“I hope you find the stories as interesting and the recipes as tasty as they were for me to collect.”
Nice, professional photos illustrate many recipes and many also give very good step-by-step visual demonstrations. The recipes have informative head notes, cooking tips, useful notes, and lists of required special equipment. Unfortunately the index was neglected. It is not useful and not cross-referenced.
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