[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Chosen Books
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
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Pete Carter is a British medical doctor and church leader who has witnessed many miracles. In Unwrapping Lazarus: Freeing the Supernatural in Your Life, Carter recounts some of those miracles, including a 1995 incident in central Mexico in which he prayed for the healing of an 18-year-old quadriplegic, who then walked for the first time in a decade. But the Christian faith is not always about healing miracles. Carter writes, “How do we cope with the disappointment of people (maybe ourselves) not being healed when they have been prayed for? How do we learn not to be crippled by disappointment?” The answer, Carter continues, is “the God who is love.”
“In this book I have attempted to look at issues that could be binding us in old ways of thinking and behavior, restricting us from living in the freedom that Jesus intends for us. Lazarus was raised from the dead, but he needed to be freed from the coverings that kept him from moving. New wine needs a new wineskin, but each new wineskin will age. The need to renew our minds is a lifelong discipline. Any established way of thinking or behaving can become restrictive if it is not open to new revelation, insights, discoveries, and experiences.”
In a book that is both a memoir and a Bible study, Unwrapping Lazarus presses Christians to do the “unwrapping” necessary to learn to walk in the fullness of who God has called us to be. Carter’s questions are wise, his theology is biblically grounded, and his stories are poignant. While he admits that many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of the supernatural, we are not called to walk in “the bonds of disappointment,” he writes. In Unwrapping Lazarus, Carter asks the questions necessary to press us out of our own brokenness and into the joy and lightness that scripture promises.
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