[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Titan Books
Formats: Hardcover
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Fred Gambino is a major artist in the field of science fiction and fantasy art – that place in the art world that straddles traditional styles and is largely ignored by the formal art community. This book gives us a collection of his that is a mixture of styles, ranging from digital to 3-D and beyond. It includes concept art for games, book covers, and more. Like other books of its types, it has traditional elements of military science fiction such as fighting, action, as well as robots. For people who know of Fred Gambino, they will be happy that a collection of his artwork is available in book form.
While this type of art is generally ignored by museums and collectors, since most of it is digital and not on a canvas or a surface, people who enjoy this type of art will enjoy this book. They will notice classic elements of science fiction art. While not overall a large book, it does provide a glimpse what he can do. This would be a great gift for fans of this type of art.
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