[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Holiday House
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Moe believes he is the best at everything. He is little, but he believes he is good at many things. He is good at brushing his teeth. His big brother and sister don’t think so since he makes such a mess. Moe believes he is the best at tying his shoes, but big brother and sister say the shoes are on the wrong feet. Moe can feed the cat even though he feeds him too much. And Moe can read – almost. When he tries to shoot hoops with the basketball, he tries over and over and over again. He is sad when he realizes he is not the best at making basketball shots. His sister and brother remind him that he is the best at trying.
Moe is Best is a cute book that mimics the behavior of children always trying to out-do each other. Kids will laugh at the funny illustrations as they follow the story. This book reinforces the lesson that trying is just as important as accomplishing something; and with repeated trying, one can truly become the best at the task.
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