[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: William Morrow
Formats: Hardcover, Audio CD, Audible, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
The illustrated version of The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains really shows off the potential of collaborations between artists. Neil Gaiman narrative tells the story of a dwarf who, driven by grief at the loss of his daughter, seeks a mysterious cave in the Black Mountains, and his journey there with his guide. Eddie Campbell’s illustrations flirt with the line between graphic novel and illustration. Many of the paintings were originally created to be projected during a spoken word performance; the comic-style sections and some additional paintings were added to the book. The paintings, with their loose brush work, and slightly misty feel, both bring the story to life and allow the imagination of the reader to work in and around the images. The story is short, but Gaiman is one of the best living storytellers. The story will linger in the imagination and is recommended for most readers. There are some depictions of death, and the themes are very dark for young children, but this book will appeal to both adults and older children.
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