[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: MSI Press
Formats: Paperback
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
365 Teacher Secrets for Parents is a gold mine of information for parents! This book will improve academics and attitude towards school with some targeted strategies. The book is divided into two parts: building good work habits and setting up the entire school year for success. Once these foundation pieces are addressed, the book is separated by subject matter including reading, writing, math, science, social studies, spelling, critical thinking, and finally self-esteem and self-reliance. The appendix offers additional information about the new math methods. Many of the ideas are simple and easy to implement, making day-to-day activities into learning lessons. There are lots of ideas to enhance the communication with your child and his teacher and tons of good writing prompts to get your child to write more.
“Start by creating good habits at home, knowing what is going on in his classroom, keeping up on his progress, and practicing anything that needs work. Inside this book are ways to do all of that!”
Cindy McKinley & Patti Trombly’s 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents is a book that shows you how to plan to ensure your child’s success in their academic endeavors using practical strategies and targeted activities. Since each idea is independent from each other, parents can pick and choose the focus for their child or use the book in its entirety. This book really is a winner!
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