[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Thames & Hudson
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble [/alert]
Stuart Tolley brings together great examples of the design that we often overlook: packaging and graphics. In Collector’s Edition Tolley’s own graphic design background comes through, as the book itself is a work of art, with each page beautifully laid out, and all of the objects from the everyday (Coldplay albums) to the extremely rare (Vatican manuscripts) laid out and photographed with exquisite care. The book also includes interviews with many designers, who give a good idea of the contemporary thoughts about the work being done in design and packaging. This book is not inexpensive, but it would make a lovely gift for the serious design enthusiast or graphic designer on your list. For anyone else, unless they’re really, really into packaging, it’s maybe a little overkill. This book is beautiful, and does make for an interesting coffee table book.
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