[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Center Point
Formats: Mass Market Paperback, Kindle, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound [/alert]

Emmaline Neal is thrown when she receives an invitation to her former fiance’s wedding. Emmaline realizes that she cannot face the wedding weekend on her own, so she invites Jack Holland to go with her. Jack is known for being willing to save desperate women, and Emmaline definitely fits that description. Things change, though, when Emmaline and Jack end up in bed—and Jack wants more. Emmaline must decide whether Jack is worth risking her heart.

In Your Dreams is a new romance novel by author Kristan Higgins, and it is pleasant enough. The characters are nicely written, engaging and pleasant enough for the reader to root for them. The story takes the typical twist and turns that most romance novels do but in a way that is fun and entertaining. While there is nothing particularly unique or surprising about this novel, it is a fun, light read. Fans of romance will enjoy this book.

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