[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Formats: Ebook, Trade Paperback, Mass Market Paperback, Audiobook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Josette Landry has been on an endless streak of bad luck. Divorce, unemployment, and foreclosure threaten to break her once-indomitable spirit, so when her crazy cousins invite Jo to film their paranormal investigation program, she grudgingly accepts. While filming in a haunted mansion in New Orleans, Jo falls through a mirror and into a shadow realm, where Cadegan Maboddium – son of a goddess and a demon prince – has spent the past thousand years battling for survival.
Banished by his own brother, Cadegan is unwilling to trust the first human he has seen in Terre Derrière le Voile, but quickly realizes that Jo is as much a victim of circumstance as himself. He makes a deal with a demon to return Jo to her world, launching a bizarre sequence of events including – but not limited to – alliances with dragons, flight with gryphons, Freaky Friday body-swapping, and magical jousting. When Cadegan’s inner demon is awoken and set loose, the stakes are raised to near-apocalyptic heights. Jo recruits her cousins, Cadegan’s skeptical brother, and several familiar Dark-Hunters to save Cadegan and preserve the balance between the human and immortal races.
“You are the light in my darkness, lass. Without you, I have no hope. No faith. I barely exist. And all I ask is that if you ever leave, you will do me the mercy of tearing out me heart, rather than leaving me lost inside the forever night without you.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon’s newest Dark-Hunter novel brings her signature complex worldbuilding to new heights, with convoluted lore and magical artifacts galore. Josette is a relentlessly snarky protagonist, whose skepticism for the paranormal seems both rude and ignorant when surrounded by her occult-immersed family. Her over-abundance of attitude translates as insecurity rather than edgy street-toughness. Cadegan’s calm wisdom is a very welcome counterbalance.
Though written as a stand-alone novel, Son of No One is one more episode in the greater Dark-Hunter series. Longtime readers of the Dark-Hunter series will welcome the reappearance of their favorite heroes, and look forward to the apocalypse that looms (somewhat claustrophobically) over this novel. Overall, Son of No One is a kooky adventure story overstuffed with personalities, successfully designed to keep readers interested in Kenyon’s imagination as she writes onward towards even grander storylines.
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