[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Oregon State University Press
Formats: Paperback
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
Field Guide to Oregon Rivers is a unique, compact reference guide from Oregon State University Press to all the major waterways across the state. A conservationist and paddler, Tim Palmer is well suited to sharing the natural history, conservation efforts, and outdoor recreation opportunities for 120 rivers in Oregon. Black and white illustrations of flora and fauna as well as 150 color photographs of the rivers themselves make this guide a visual treat and a detailed and well-organized reference. Palmer begins with the natural history of the rivers; covering their geology, climate, hydrology, plant life, fish, and wildlife. A chapter follows covering issues for Oregon rivers and efforts to conserve and protect them. The bulk of the book contains individual descriptions of the rivers (“river portraits,” as Palmer calls them), organized by watershed. A varied appendix closes the book with information about which rivers are best for certain types of recreation. Palmer writes, “Oregon’s collection of streams is unlike any other on earth.” Likewise, his Field Guide to Oregon Rivers is unlike any other guide for the state. It is a must have for outdoor-minded residents and visitors, whether exploring rivers in a canoe or kayak or by enjoying rivers by hiking along their shores.
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