[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: HarperCollins Children’s Books
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
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If a young reader hasn’t been captivated by the Fairy Bell Sister series yet, then they are missing out! Neverland lives on through the younger sisters of Tinkerbell who live on Sheepskerry Island and in The Fairy Bell Sisters Christmas Fairy Magic they are ecstatic that the one and only Tinkerbell is coming home for Christmas! With delightful surprises when someone creates magical messages and other hints along the way, Tinkerbell’s arrival from Neverland is a special occasion. Add to it, the biggest holiday ever with all the Bell sisters, and it is truly magical, except the closer Christmas comes, the more problems seem to occur and waiting for Tinkerbell to arrive becomes harder with each passing page. The story has it’s happy ending and a new addition to the family, which is a surprise in more ways then one, with Tinkerbell always a little bit ahead of her younger sisters. If you’re a huge fan of the Disney Fairy movie series, these books do not perfectly follow along that line. A baby’s first laugh still makes a fairy, but Periwinkle isn’t part of the story at all as Tink’s twin. However, fairy fans and Neverland lovers alike will look past that part of the change and adore the sweet story.
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