[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Flying Eye Books
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
The Dinner That Cooked Itself By J. C. Hsyu and Kenard Pak is a Chinese folktale re-imagined and brought back to life. Beautifully illustrated, by Kenard Pack this is a feast for your eyes, and an interesting story to go with it. Tuan, a man who lost his parents as a child, finds a snail while working. Though it doesn’t seem like it, this snail helps Tuan. He feeds him and in a way helps him find a wife. The book also includes examples of Chinese calligraphy, like the dog, tiger, earth, and wood. If there is one story/folktale to teach your kids something about China, or Chinese calligraphy this is it. A fascinating story, and great illustrations, this book is both entertaining as well as educational.
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