[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Kaylie Jones Book
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]

Flaubert – the common denominator in Nina Solomon’s new book, The Love Book. When one think’s of Flaubert they go straight to Madame Bovary and the ever suffering wife, Emma, and her risk taking of living beyond her means as a doctor’s wife and not needing a book to tell her how to live. In The Love Book, we meet four different women who meet in France on a Tour de Flaubert singles bike tour. Where the participant can experience Emma and her suffering in real time. As the trip goes on, they find ‘the love book,’ a guide that will follow them back to their real life. Solomon goes back and forth between the four women and their quest to find true love.

When I received this book, I was honestly excited to read this book, since I have Solomon’s last book, The Single Wife, but as I was reading, it became another Chick Lit book for me. I did finish it, but not with the same gusto and it made me want to finish it that much sooner and start on my next book. Maybe I have gotten to that point in my reading life, where I have become a reading snob and don’t want to waste time reading sub par books. Even when I read Bovary, I didn’t care for it, but I did like Emma when she took risks and changed her life – for better or for worse. I did like that Solomon show-cased four different woman and their journey to find what was either right in front of them or something that made them a better person – change for the better.

I am sure that there is an audience for this book out there, take this review with a grain of salt and who knows you might use this as your own love book and find true love.

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