[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Cartwheel Books
Formats: Board Book
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
Are You My Mommy? is a colorful board book for very small children. It is a story of a little lost baby bunny. Bunny asks the same question to each animal it meets. The question is, “are you my mommy?” Each animal, in turn, explains to bunny what kind of animal they are, and what their baby is called. An example of this would be the chicken that explains that her baby is a chick! Each baby name is written in bright, bold colors. Each page blends easily into the next because there is a hole in each page. The drawings of the animals are simple but cute. The repetition of the question is important for little children because it helps them learn the simple question easily. The repetitive words and the bright colors of the book make it appealing. It is the right size for little hands to hold and not too heavy. The reader may find that the sparkles on the front cover are pretty but unwanted if their child is a chewer and puts everything into their mouth. The story however is a cute one if the reader needs a simple bedtime story to read.
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