[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Shanti Arts LLC
Formats: Paperback
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Krish Krishnan is a world travel writer and artist. In this stunning book he introduces us to sketches, painting and writing about beautiful scenes in twelve countries on five continents. He has created over 100 illustrations of ancient monuments and landscapes by pen, pencil, and ink, charcoal, acrylic and conté crayon, on scratchboard, whiteboard and paper. Krishnan’s writing is as descriptive as his artistry. Seeing the Holy Land was “like trying to hold eternity in the palm of my hand…” and “I could not have been in a setting more revered and hallowed… The morning sun glistened upon the Dome of the Rock. The darkened silver dome of the al-Aqsa mosque peeked from above a wall.” In Cambodia, he found “a spectacular shrine of crumbling rock” then used a fine pen “to capture all the intricate elements of the brick-by-brick theme. Only an ink wash could preserve the brilliance of the hues all around me.” And from Greece he writes that “Many artists curse cloudy days, but I love those intervals when the bashful sun decides to play hide-and-seek with me, letting me in on secrets that few tourists get to see and record… It was late morning as the sun broke through its shackle of clouds, spilling over mountaintops and dappling the ruins through the blanket of trees. A lone man with a stick wended his way towards the stone circle. I took several pictures and created [a] watercolor drawing on hot-pressed paper so I could render the details more thoroughly.”
This book would make a fine gift for an artist with a yen for travel, or a traveler with the keen eye of an artist.