[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Viva Editions
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Toasts is a compact, soft cover guide to finding the right words for just about any occasion. Of course, saying the right words at the right time are always in style, so now the reader has a book that sort of mimics a “cheat sheet.” The book opens with the key elements of toasting, as well as, some etiquette guidelines. The remainder of Toasts includes words for any occasion.
“It’s important to tailor a toast to the recipient; find something that fits them.”
Cotner & Ling have done some exhaustive research to offer the reader toasts for just about any event the reader could think of. For example, of course the typical wedding, retirement and birthday sentiments are included, but in addition, there are toasts for awards, children, homecoming and any holiday that exists! Need a toast for St. Patrick’s Day; it is included. As is Kwanza, Halloween and even April Fool’s Day. Toasts gives the reader all sorts of toasts, ideas and even words that could springboard into saying something even more personal. Some toasts are one sentence; others are one paragraph while some are several pages. Authors of the toasts are credited and certainly the reader will never be at a loss for words again.
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