[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
A bright, shy young lady, Anna O’Brien, has the delightful job of working in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., as the map librarian in 1887. She has discovered a map that adds new facts to a story about the disappearance of a Navy ship in 1882. Anna’s father was a cartographer working on that ship, so her interest in this information is sincere. She finds out very quickly that it is not in her best interest to investigate further because her actions could have dire consequences for all eight of the women who work at the Library of Congress.
Anna’s everyday life changes dramatically when she attracts the attention of a very handsome Luke Callahan, a member of Congress from the state of Maine. He is struggling to maintain his seat in congress and also raise his young nephew. Together, they try to solve the mystery surrounding this lost Navy ship. They find that their efforts attract the unwanted attention from other members of congress, the Navy, and certain family members. This adds to their own personal struggles to keep their relationship on solid ground. They wonder if a future together for them is even possible.
In this story Beyond All Dreams we follow Anna through her daily life. We observe American society and values that were prevalent throughout the later part of the 19th century. We are guided through the opulent new building in Washington, The Library of Congress. I applaud the author, Elizabeth Camden, for a very enjoyable read!
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