[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, Audible
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The life of circus entertainers appears luxurious, exciting, and filled with fun. The Amazing Stardust Friends: Step Into the Spotlight reinforces that in the first book of this new series for young readers. Not every member of the circus family is an entertainer, as in the case with Marlo, who’s Mother is the chef for the circus people. Marlo is nervous to move onto the circus train, where her car is her apartment now, and her school is with other performers. She meets Allie, Bella, and Carly who are performers and dearly misses her friend Kira from back home. While trying to make new friends, she hopes to be part of the circus herself, but her talents don’t fit in. She comes up with many ideas, and tries numerous things to be part of the Stardust Girls, but she can’t get the dogs to listen, she isn’t funny when she intends to be, and she gets tangled up with the equipment when trying to learn to be an acrobat because she has no sense of balance. After making a mistake, she plays with the hula hoops and the girls discover that what she thinks is playground equipment, is a talent for twirling multiple hoops at once! Along the way she makes friends as she tries out each talent. When they show Liam, the Ringmaster, he creates The Amazing Stardust Girls. Marlo is now part of a new group of friends and exited to be part of the show. This is a very cute story filled with sketches throughout, allowing the story to come to life off the page.
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