[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: IMO Books
Formats: Kindle
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]
Heroes are very real. Men and women who serve our nation in uniform, those who protect our streets and our homes from any type of emergency are all heroes. Then there are their children. Not only are the people who choose to serve heroes, the children who suffer through the demands, hardships, sacrifices and extreme losses are also heroic. Flexible Wings is an incredible story which so accurately reflects the emotional struggles military children face with the change of duty stations, deployment, return, and the chaos of never feeling like a home is permanent when life can change at any moment and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Summer Stevenson has not just one parent, but two parents who are military active duty. Summer and her younger sister have faced numerous deployments and she is sick of it. The first house she has liked and felt like a place to call home is being packed up. She is leaving another best friend and knows that friends never really keep in touch. Her whole world is changing no matter how much she doesn’t want it to. The struggle through feeling insecure, and constantly being let down seems to not matter because her parents choose to defend their country. Summer is unable to participate in events she wants to do, because juggling it all is difficult, and it seems they aren’t around long enough to make it work. When her Dad leaves the service at their new home and Summer finally gets to join a swim team, she feels unable to make friends and fit in. Next, her worse fear comes true when her mother is deployed causing her to miss all the swim meets, and is unable to share the joys when Summer finally does make friends. Dad gets some help when Grandma comes to stay with them, but while this helps, it doesn’t change the hurt Summer feels, and her inability to feel safe speaking up about her feelings. When conversations with Mom are fewer and farther apart, Summer finally lets her know, and although she does so in a disrespectful way, it is a moment of triumph too. Summer learns throughout the summer, how to try new things, how to truly be strong, and in the end how to have pride for what her parents have done for their country.
This is an outstanding book that anyone with military children should read and share with their children. While the decision to serve your country is a tremendous gift, this book is an outstanding reminder of the sacrifices involved and how difficult it is for everyone who loves the people dedicated to serve.
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