[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Cinco Puntos Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, eBook, Audible, Audio Book
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Growing up is hard no matter who you are, but in Gabi: A Girl In Pieces by Isabel Quintero, the difficulty teenagers have throughout a society that is often cruel and unaccepting is blatantly obvious. Gabi is an overweight girl who also struggles as a Hispanic in a white world with a mother who wants her American daughter to grow up in traditional Mexican ways, despite the difficulties. Her father is a deadbeat meth addict who constantly let her down. Of her closest friends, one is pregnant and the other has been ostracized from his family for being gay. While Gabi is an exceptional student, she struggles with her weight, wanting to fit in, be accepted, loved and have all the firsts young girls dream about.
Written as a diary, this novel truly feels as if it is exposing the secrets of Gabi’s soul. Her hidden feelings, reactions, and desires are expressed in blunt language, which makes the reader feel like they are experiencing truly private thoughts. Small moments make for the perfect inspiration. The love of good friends and life experiences create opportunities for people to be shaped in amazing ways happen all the time, if we are willing to accept them and take a chance. Gabi, Girl In Pieces is an eye-opening reminder that growing up is hard, but we all go through it. We all may need a little understanding and encouragement along the way so we can make mistakes, learn from them, and grow up in our own way.
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