[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Cleis Press
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Three of Hearts is a collection of erotic short stories, all revolving around the premise of threesomes. Each of the stories involve groupings of one woman and two men or two women and one man, which caters primarily to straight women and those with a bisexual leaning.
The stories cover quite a range, both with the relationships themselves and the sexual encounters. Relationship wise, some of the threesomes are one night stands, some are with at least two of the three being in a previous relationship, and in others all three members are in a committed and loving relationship. The sexual encounters themselves run from vanilla – or as vanilla as you can get in a threesome – to BDSM. The stories include hikers lost in the woods, business partners stuck sharing a hotel room, and a loving couple falling for the husband’s sexy Executive Producer to name a few.
As with all collections, it is likely that not every story will appeal to everyone’s tastes, but with 16 short stories readers are bound to find quite a few that tickle their fancy. While certainly not for everyone, Three of Hearts is a strong collection for readers interested in elevating their heart rate with something a little more exotic than your standard one-on-one erotica novel.
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