[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Harper Perennial
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
To be honest, when I first noticed this book’s title, I thought, it has something to do with Edgar Allen Poe and his version of the tale of the same name. However, I was far from right, but after reading this book I can see the similarities quite clearly and understand why the author gave this book the same title. In The Tell-Tale Heart we meet Patrick Robson, a British academic who is trying to be a good father and keep his many romances straight and his only successful one is with his motorcycle. This wild and crazy lifestyle comes to a sudden halt when he suffers a massive heart attack and this twist of fate helps him survive. As for his second chance, it comes from a teenage boy with results that Patrick wasn’t expecting. As he recovers, he realizes riding motorcycles and drinking isn’t a way to live and that this new heart will give him a chance to not only be a better person, but a better father.
When I was reading it, the questions that came to mind was what would happen if I were given a second chance at my life? What would I do different? Questions that Patrick gets to answer and we see how these are played out. I did enjoy this book, but at the same time, it seemed like there was a lot going on between the transplant and the relationships not only with the characters, but also the land. Maybe if Dawson had kept things a bit simpler, it would have been a bit more enjoyable book, but it did make me rethink my life and let a bit color into my heart.
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