[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic Press
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
The Queen’s Hat is a charming children’s book with some serious British flair. The book follows the Queen who is out on her way to “visit someone very special,” when suddenly the wind blows her hat off the top of her head! What follows is a chase across London as the Queen, her Welsh Corgi, and an ever growing battalion of the Queen’s Guard run after her airborne hat. Who was the Queen on her way to go visit? You’ll have to get to the very end to find out!
The illustrations in the book are gorgeous, simple, and are bound to inspire plenty of smiles. The color palate is basic, only including black, red, and blue drawn on white pages. The book is mostly just for fun, but adds a bit of education through depictions of the more classic tourist destinations including Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, and The London Eye, to name a few. Thanks to the inclusion of the Queen’s Corgi, it is obvious that the Queen in the book is based off of Queen Elizabeth II, as she is frequently seen with one (or several!) of her beloved pets. The book is well-timed and is a subtle tribute to the growing royal family. The Queen’s Hat is the perfect picture book for parents of young children, particularly those with English heritage, those who live or have lived in London in the past, and for those planning on a trip to London in the future.
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